Snows Commercials Ltd. Truck Gearbox Core - updated 9 September, 2024
Home Parts Parts use or repair, suit transmission reconditioner and repairer
Stock Ref Reg Year Make Model Gearbox Condition Description
8027I2009Daf45LF-140S5.42 >S5.42 take out, 1307 050 346, crunches in 2nd gear
8872N2008Daf45LF-140S5.42Turns fine, 1307 050 344
8510L2011Daf45LF-160S5.42S5.42 tight
9231Q2013Daf45LF-160S5.42Turns, feels loose on input shaft
9214P2006Daf45LF-1806S850Turns, feels rough
8978N2005Daf55LF-1806S8506S850 turns then tight
8959N2009Daf85CF-41012AS2130 TD>12AS2130TD, 1353 030 006, turns
9174P2014DafCF-460 (Euro 6)12AS2330 TD12AS2330TD, 1353 031 025, 1912135, turns
8386K2009IsuzuN75.190 ForwardEasyshift (Auto)Core Gearbox less servo unit
8703M2016IsuzuN75.190 Forward6 Speed (ali case)Turns, manual box, input poss sheered inside? rear cover by flange missing
8881N2015Iveco460 Stralis Hi-Way12AS2330 TDTurns, no lid, 1353 031 032
9246Q2016ManTGX 26.44012AS2130 TD12AS2130TD 1353 050 023, turns, lid swapped
8792M2004Mercedes815 AtegoG56Core unit in bits, minus primary shaft
7659H2000Scania114 `P` cabGRS900 >GRS900 range unit, lid, bellhousing & input shaft only
8593L2000Scania124 `R` cabGRS900Turns rough and no turret
9087O2011ScaniaP230GR875GR875, return box put back together, front wont turn